We are so proud of Alex! Our last child has graduated! What a relief it is! We don't have to sit through another graduation commencement for a while. (It started at 8 pm with 400 plus students) Grandma and Grandpa Cole went with us and we went by Sheridan's after. Now I'm writing in my blog waiting for Alex to get home.......Just waiting.......
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Just Waiting.......
Posted by jennifer at 11:30 PM 1 comments
Just like papa...
Jim told Jordan it was time to get on the motorcycle and Jordan disappeared. We could hear him rummaging around in the hall. He showed up a few minutes later with this hat on his head. If grand pa was going to wear a hat, then he needed one too!
Posted by jennifer at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Marshmellows vs. Fire....
Jordan talked all day about roasting marshmallows, so Shaunna finally gave in and brought him over with his bag of marshmallows. (it was 98 degrees outside) After catching his marshmallows on fire over and over again and refusing to eat it, we realized it was the fire he was interested in and not the marshmallow's. (although he refused to share any of his bag) In the end he was happy cause he got to grill like his daddy.
Posted by jennifer at 11:09 PM 0 comments
A Perfect trip...
Paige and I were priviledged to go to the St. George temple on my trip. It was a hot, 106 degree, day. I loved the palm trees, the flowers and fountain. And I even saw more friends, the Larkins, while there!
Great friends, family, a princess, gardens, shopping, eating, beautiful weather, and the temple. I don't think you can get more perfect than that!
Posted by jennifer at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Great Friends and Princesses....
One of the great friends I got to see on my trip was Emily, aka Sr. Jacobsen and her daughter, aka the "mendously" Beautiful Princess. She sat quietly, coloring for hours, so she had to be a princess!
Oh, and she did share her fries with her most loyal subjects!
Posted by jennifer at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Great Friends and gardens...
Between my shopping and eating I was fortunate enough to visit some great friends; who have been greatly missed! Weldon has added on an impressive porch to his house that can seat around 100 people, which they need when their children and grandchildren come to visit! I met some of their beautiful grand kids and I was impressed. If you get bored Weldon, you can come to Texas for a visit and build me a porch!
One of the many things Doris does is work in her beautiful garden! I loved her two pink flamingos and thought she looked pretty good in that garden. If you get bored Doris, you can come to Texas for a visit and make my garden look pretty! (Do you see were I'm going with on this?)
Posted by jennifer at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Shopping and eating, shopping and.....
Paige and Sara, one of Jake's wonderful sisters, picked me up at the Las Vegas airport and we ate a little, shopped a little, and ate some more! (and shopped a lot more!) They took me to their new favorite shoe store, (my flight was delayed) and we all managed to find some shoes to buy.(all made out of the same fabric!) Sara took us to one of her favorite stores in Caesars Palace and we all left with the same perfume! That's how good it smelled! It's a good thing we don't all live in the same house. No one could tell us apart! Ya, right! Thanks Paige and Sara for one of the funnest shopping days ever! By the way, it didn't stop until I was ROLLED home and now "poor" Jim has to pay for it!
Posted by jennifer at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
What did I say about boys and......
This is Cole trying to iritate his mom again! Swimming and not getting anywhere!
Posted by jennifer at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Little boys and water....

Posted by jennifer at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Shaunna decided today that Jordan was ready for a sibling and quick! He found a worm while helping her in the garden and decided to play with it. He announced, "It's my friend! It loves me!" Then he played with it all day. They went down the slide together and swung together. At the end of the day he produced a shriveled up, broken worm and announced,"I break it! I need a new worm!" So instead, they decided to visit me. The first thing he did was grab a net and try to catch a butterfly. After catching a butterfly, he picked it up and put it in his hand then announced, "I've got a new best friend! It loves me!" (I hope it survives the slide!)
Posted by jennifer at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Mmmm...Cotton candy...

Posted by jennifer at 7:38 PM 1 comments
What do you think...
When Grandma Johnson was visiting us she would point at Jordan and call him, "Pancho!". He would then point to himself and scream, "I not Pancho! I Jordan!" And she would do it again and he would scream again. This went on to the point that he would just scream when he saw her - she didn't have to say anything! This didn't make the plane trip to Utah very pleasant for Shaunna, Alex, and Grandma Johnson but, Shaunna remedied the problem by making Alex sit between the two. After that, Jim just started calling Jordan, " Pancho", and of course he had to give the nickname, "Joeleto" to Joel which got shortened to "Rito".
Posted by jennifer at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Ode to the Koi...
After 12 years our pet koi met his untimely death with a garden hose. We had pulled out the old pond to put a new (smaller) one in. And after an exhausting day of working and trying to resuscitate fish and getting stung by a bee on the finger tip, we lost most of our large fish. I didn't realize how much one could become attached to a fish. I will miss the feedings, as he came when I called his name ("here fishy, fishy") and he let the grandchildren pet him. One Sunday afternoon I caught this koi coming up out of the water and to eat the allysm on the side of the water. He did this for quite a while. Needless to say Paige, we didn't have fish for dinner!
This is a picture of our old pond the year we invited the Garden and Pond Tour to our house. The koi swam in the large ball sitting on top of the water. He got stuck in there on several occasions and couldn't figure out how to get out. He was between 15 and 18 inches and the ball was 20 inches. On those occasions I had to climb in and pull him out. As soon as our new pond is up and running I will post a picture of it.
Posted by jennifer at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Cinco de Mayo....
Jim decided this year he wanted to have homemade tortillas for Cinco de Mayo and I figured, hey, might as well go all the way! What is Cinco de Mayo anyway? Just another excuse to celebrate! Or in our case, a way to celebrate Jim's heritage! Jordan thought the sombreros were hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. We had more chili candy, mango soda, mola, tortillas, guacamole, quesso and Vicente Fernandez than we could handle. In the end we all fell asleep to Nacho Libra. Thanks go out to those who helped us celebrate! (I think they left before I woke up!)
Posted by jennifer at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Teddy bears and motorcycles.......
Some how teddy bears and motorcycles don't seem to go together but, in this case they definitely do! The grandchildren love their papas motorcycle! This time, Jordan refused to get on the motorcycle without his teddy bear. This was surprizing for those who know how much of a motorcycle enthusiast Jordan is but, he wouldn't budge. So papa had to accommodate both!
Posted by jennifer at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Pretty in Blue....
Well, it is 2:45 Prom night and it has yet to end. Hopefully, it will be in about 15 minutes! I do have to admit Alex looks a little bit better in this dress than in the "Matching Doll Dress" that distressed Cole so much. (And I think her hair has grown quite a bit since xmas, don't you!) I know I'm missing a pic of the date but, his father is a photographer so I figured why try. I will post a pic of the two of them after I recieve a copy. Let's hope her dreams came true! (And I'm dreaming shortly!)
Posted by jennifer at 1:57 PM 0 comments
The Harry Potter Invisibility......
My grandson, Jordan, likes to hide. He is so small that he can fit under and in about anything. I was babysitting him this morning and when his mama showed up he didn't want to go home, so, he thought he'd be clever and hide from us. It didn't take long to locate him though because he was using the "Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak" to hide under!
Posted by jennifer at 12:03 AM 1 comments