
Monday, October 6, 2008

A Tapestry of Eternity....

Yeah! I finally did it! I've got my application in to the eighth International Art Competition for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A couple of years ago I thought it would be fun to take the things I've learned from gilding and put them together with the things I've learned while studying symbols. I then came up with my own interpretation of both and made a drawing using 23k gold.

My goal was to submit the drawing to the competition - not to win anything (you'd have to be an artist to accomplish that!). Thanks to Geoff, Amy,and Dana (the photographer). You can click on this link to see more; http://flickr.com/photos/photosoftheheart/sets/72157607796384878/show/

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wow! Thanks!

Wow! I don't know what to say but, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Our good friend Ella brought over a bunch more stuff to send Geoff and his buds in Iraq. It sure makes life a lot easier to have such great friends!

A Little Too Much Fun!

Thanks to our friend Derek we got some great pictures of Jordan too!

When Jordan saw this sail boat, there were some birds sitting on top of the mast. Jordan thought it was a pirate ship and wanted to go fight them!

Jordan ended their excursion by dropping his swimming trunks on the pier and peeing off into the water. I'm glad Derek didn't get a pic of that one! Unfortunately, there were many bystanders who did see.

Just Hangin' 10 Anyway Ya Can!

Cole got in a few cool moves himself!

While The Cats Away The Mice Will Play.....

Apparently these are four of the steps in barefoot skiing. He's on his back. And yes, that is Jim. You have to be going pretty fast for the boat to pull you on top of the water.

And Boom! He's up! (That's what Jim says when he sees this picture) It's an explosion of water!

See, I told you it was Jim and see that barefoot! Way, way too much fun!

Just can't get enough.....

Just can't get enough of those chillin's! I'll miss them til' next time!

Joel and his pre-Harry Potter days!

Like I Always Say, "She's Just Drippin' With Talent!

While we were playing with beads, this is what Amy was doing. I guess you've figured out where Kelsi gets her talent from!

All I Want For Christmas....

My mother, sister, and I went to a great bead shop and four hours later emerged into the sunlight. I hope you all like jewelry cause I have a feeling your getting it for Christmas! These are just a few of the creations we came up with.

While we were playing with beads so was Kelsi and this is one of her creations! Wow! She made it all by herself! She has talent! Wonder who she gets it from?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yes, I Do Love Salado!

Yes, I had tried to convince them that that was Peter Cottontail sitting in the greenhouse.

Yes, all of them did manage to get wet! And Kelsi fell in!

Yes, that is skinny minnie Amy! I wish she'd tell me her real secret!

And Yes, before we left, they had all made friends with Billy Goats Gruff!

Bicycles, Bicycles, Bicycles!

One thing I like about Salado is this bicycle fence. Although, I remembered the bicycles being a lot older -from the early 1900's and wrapping around the whole town. I guess that's what an over active imagination will do for you! It was still very cool!

Who, Who, Who Makes Halloween Cards?

Amy, the kids, and I did a lot of fun things together. One of my favorite was going to Salado. A new favorite place of mine. There is a stamp shop there I love. And this is one of the sample cards they had made up. I did buy the stamp but figured this was the closest to a Halloween card you were going to get from me. So Halloween Greetings! (Who makes Halloween cards, anyway? Someone with way more energy than I!)

Hoppin' Down The Bunny Trail....

Amy and the kids came and picked me up in San Antonio! YEAH! And I was able to spend some time with them. Okay, Amy and I did get bored one morning while waiting on Joel to get out of preschool. But, I had a camera and couldn't resist taking pics of these street signs. How would you like to tell someone I live at the corner of Salt Fork and Western Cross Timbers.

Or, Peace River and Barbed Wire. Amy loved this one the most.

Or, this was my favorite - "I live at the corner of the Republic of Texas and Bunny Trail"!

Are You Surprised?

I took pictures of the beautiful temple grounds in San Antonio as I waited on the sun to come up. Are you surprised? Yes, I was up before the sun! I couldn't see well enough to work yet and it was very peaceful. I guess the early bird does get the worm!

Still Know Nothing....

I just returned from a trip to San Antonio. I was privileged to be able to guild (gold leaf) the sign in front of the San Antonio Temple. It was a great week! Everything went well and I learned a new skill. I've been at this for 7 years and still know nothing!

It is always a wonderful experience when I get to work at a temple. Everyone is so kind to me. A BIG thank-you goes out to the Fike's who put up with me!

I found some really great brushes in San Antonio to replace mine (which are falling apart). These letters were about 8 inches tall and maybe 1 inch deep.

It turned out pretty, if I say so myself. This was the only time I got to see the finished product. I left shortly after and I was tented in so I didn't get rained on and the breeze didn't blow the gold away. 265 leaves of gold equal 1 thickness of a sheet of paper.