Geoff - Tell grandpa we've been working really hard all week trying to locate all the terrorists in Baghdad with all the stuff going on and because of my teams work, we were able to locate and kill over 200 enemy Saturday alone. And this week General Petraeus will be briefing our work specifically to Congress. Crazy, huh! My team has been getting a lot of acknowledgement over here. It has been a very rewarding week for us. That new coin I got was from General Cartwright who is the highest ranking General in the air force. Also a 4 star General.
Tell grandpa when I come back I can probably tell him some really cool things he'd like.
I wish I could do more here, even though we do a lot to help out. I feel bad for all the guys who have to go outside the wire everyday and risk their lives to accomplish things I just put on paper.
There was a civilian here the other day that said the only reason he comes out here as a contractor is because when he is here, a soldier is sent home. So every time he comes out for a few months someone gets a break.
Jennifer - You don't realize how much sacrifice war requires unless you have experienced it.
Geoff - That's true. It is nothing you could ever know without experience. Like yesterday, me and P----- were going to chow and 3 to 4 missiles shot just overhead us and made us jump and run and then today P----- told me she had nightmares all night about being killed by one of the rockets. It affects you in ways you can't even imagine. I think I have a completely different outlook on life and the kind of person I want to become.
Jennifer - Why did the air force General give you the coin?
Geoff - I helped his team out and they helped me out on the way back from Qatar.
There was a secret agent there that asked me if I could do somethings for him real quick without me knowing who he was or why, but I helped him out cause I wasn't doing anything else and then they helped me out with the flight back here (Baghdad). I flew on the General's personal flight, with his special agents and General Cartwright.
Jennifer - Wow!
Geoff - Ya
Jennifer - Did you tell your Sergeant you got the coin?
Geoff - Ya, I showed them all!
Thanks for posting that. And thanks again for the sacrifice your family has made for our country. We need more men like Geoff!
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